Demovibes Theme Stylesheets

This is list of the available Demovibes-compatible stylesheets (themes)

How to change your Demovibes theme

  1. (Log in and) Go to your "Edit Profile" page
  2. At the top right of the profile page, click "Change theme"
  3. Click "Activate" below the theme you want to use

How to use a custom stylesheet with Demovibes

  1. (Log in and) Go to your "Edit Profile" page
  2. At the bottom of the form, put a URL to a Demovibes-compatible stylesheet in the "Custom css" preference
    • This stylesheet must be hosted somewhere, nectarine doesn't upload stylesheets from a computer-local file
  3. Update your profile

Stylesheets hosted by this site





For those who do not live in a country which has or recognizes the concept of "Public Domain", the authors of the themes listed under Public Domain grant non-exluclusive rights to use and modification to everyone.

* Indicates this stylesheet is designed with monospace in mind
Indicates this stylesheet was designed with 1024px width screens in mind
Indicates this stylesheet was designed for or at least tweaked for
³ What is the usefulness of a blank stylesheet? Asking the browser to turn off styles removes even the Demovibes base styles. In theory, with only the base Demovibes styles, development of a stylesheet could be done through an add-on like Stylish (for Firefox).